Free Riolu Pattern!
free plush pattern riolu sewing pattern

Want to make a cute lil Riolu? Here's a free sewing pattern for you! Linked right here: You can input "$0" or throw me a tip if you like! Be sure to add your own seam allowance! Enjoy~ Here's text instructions: Basically you need to color block the head, body, and gusset first, then sew the darts together on body and head pieces.Once the body darts are sewn you can sew the two together, and keep the neck open on top.The eyes can be appliqued onto the head pieces with a whip stitch. Then line up the gusset with the...
New Pattern is Here!
The new plush pattern for the pin up doll is out now! Find it right here! This pattern is great for doing commissions, making fanart of your favorite characters, or creating your original designs! It is a more advanced pattern, so if you're up for a challenge you can also learn a lot of new things! It comes with a video tutorial as well so you can reference and see exactly how the pieces go together every step of the way. I hope you all love it! Be sure to let me know what types of hairstyles and clothing you'd want...
6 Ways to Make Money as a Plush Artist
Scorbunny Plush Sewing Pattern FREE

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Welcome everyone to the new home of Dollphinwing!